Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Solution: Mini Glitter Jars

My preschooler LOVES glitter. She also loves to glue glitter to paper. It's gorgeous, but because I don't want 7 jars of glitter on my floor, I have to dump it into piles of a manageable size for her. She hates that. She wants to shake it. I do not blame her.
Soooooo...I finally came up with a solution! Remember those make up jars I mentioned in the previous post? The ones I used for little watercolor pots? They were PERFECT for a bit of each colored glitter! And even better, they stacked up nicely in a little star-shaped bowl I had, so she can grab and put away this activity as needed. (Like when I'm cooking! Or scrubbing!) I put a little snap-shut container for glue in the bottom, that she can open, but it still shuts tight. The glue can be painted on the paper with a little brush, or q-tip. Now I'm thinking of other activities that can fit inside these bowls for her.