Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Giveaway Winner!

So, I numbered a list of all the Facebook fans, added the blog followers & pulled a number from Random.org. (Oh, & I removed Hubby, what the hell does he need with an apron?) ;-)

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand- the winner is:
You can click the pic to make it bigger =-)

#33! Kimberly Bryant! Congrats Kim, & email me at admin(at)disheveledmommy(dot)com with your shipping info! =-)
Thanks so much for your support guys! A bigger & better contest is being planned! Also, trying to gather Christmas cookie recipes to share. (& decipher them from Jenni-ese to something a normal human being can read!) 


Cooking Rebel said...

OMG I won! I haven't won anything since I was a kid and won a set of VHS of the teenage mutant ninja turtle series from the local PBS station. Too bad I was 12 and too cool for ninja turtles. lol
Can't wait to bake with the kiddo's with this.