Tres Leches Cake

Delicious for any occasion

Homemade Watercolors

For homeschoolers, or just fun at home

DIY Toothpaste

Great for good health, and a happy pocketbook

Vegetarian Meals for the Whole Family

Even picky kids will love these meat-less dishes

Sewing Projects and Tips

Even more tutorials to come soon

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Journaling As a Family

This summer, since I have two prolific writers, and one who thinks she is- we are initiating journal writing time after our evening quiet reading time. Not only will it keep the writing skills going during school break, give them something to look back on, create a system for setting and accounting for goals, etc... but it gives Mommy 15-30 mins more quiet! ;-)

We began with just cheapy black & white memo/journal notebooks & the kids put a collage of magazine cut-outs & stickers on the covers. It will be nice for them to look back and see what they were interested in.

Everyone, even mom, did a journal entry tonight- the first Sunday of the first week out of school- to kick things off.
Working hard on her journal:

Around this time of the year, many home gardens are filled with zucchini, and many of the very, very large. Here is a delicious way to use your zucchini, even if it seems too GIANT to handle. =-)

First, gently wash the outside of your zuc.
Slice into as many 1/4- 1/2 inch slices as you need or want.
Rub liberally with extra virgin olive oil, then salt & pepper and roast in a 425 degree oven until softened/cooked through.
In a medium bowl mix ricotta cheese with fresh grated Parmesan. I use a 50-50 ratio. For 6 slices I use about 1/3 a cup each. Mix into your cheeses, pepper, parsley and oregano. Herbs may be fresh or dried.
Top the slices with the mixture, and place under a broiler until melted, bubbly, and browning slightly.

Here's Suzie's Boats, something else we enjoy here. =-)