Mmmmm.....bacon. Bacon on sale? DOUBLE Mmmm! A lot of the bacon we eat is chopped and used to flavor dishes, but we do enjoy the occasional fry up. I just snagged myself a 10 pound box of sliced bacon at 14.99. I didn't mind that some of it would probably end up ends and bits since we use a lot of that anyways. Even if it was 5 lbs of it, we would gladly use every bit! Many people avoid buying bacon in bulk because putting it up is such a hassle. You can't just throw the box into the freezer, it would be one giant clump. Here is how I put up our box of bacon.
First, you will need a box of waxed paper, your bacon, and about 15 minutes.
Start unrolling your waxed paper on a table or counter, fold over about 6-8 inches now, it will be a pain later.
Unroll a sizable amount, but do not tear off.
Start laying out slices of bacon at the crease. They don't have to be terribly far apart, but not touching.
When you get close to the roll of paper, you can begin folding, which will turn into rolling. Fold the flap you created earlier over those first couple slices. Fold the first slice over the second, and then fold again, then it will start to roll in on itself.
As you roll it up, unroll some fresh paper, keeping a continuous roll o'bacon. When you have rolled all your bacon, roll it in some more paper before you tear it off, tuck the ends (they'll kind of cover themselves...)and toss in the freezer. You can now use as little, or as much bacon as you wish from the roll. And hopefully, save money!
I also froze the bits and pieces, (NOT half the box surprisingly!)
I cut them up into bits with kitchen shears, and divided them up into snack-sized zip bags that I put into a labeled freezer bag. I also got a few bags of lovely snow-white fat to render. I see some bacon biscuits and cornbread in my near future! Yum!