Since Thanksgiving isn't really a meal you can just jump into, I prepare well in advance. And I make great use of my love of making charts & lists to keep my craziness organized.
The first week of November I ask/bug all the family members what they'd like to see on the table this year, then I make a shopping list. 5-7 days from Thanksgiving I do my shopping. I like to beat the crowds & I also know that it will be the perfect timing in defrosting the turkey in the fridge. Much, much easier then making room in the freezer for it.
Also finished today, my time line of when items go in & out of the oven/on & off the stove, etc. A MUST when a toddler is afoot & others are helping. Speaking of others helping- this year both my boys (9&6) will be helping with certain things. So another chart gets done of who is helping when. No, I am not brave enough for two boys to help with one dish. You know that saying- "too many cooks spoil the broth"? Yeah...I'm sure something, or someone, would be caught on fire. They are even taking turns on the day before, when the pies & cranberry sauce are made. I'm not giving anyone any opportunity for fighting. =-)
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