I've started making ricotta myself after reading how simple it was. This is an activity my children love helping with...what's more fun then watching milk & vinegar sour into something so delicious? Well, tons of things- but making your own ricotta seems magical.
There are as many ways of making this easy cheese as there are people who make it. This is my way:
You will need:
- 1 quart milk, preferably whole.
- 1 medium saucepan
- about 3 tablespoons plain white vinegar
- a wooden spoon
- a bowl big enough to hold the milk, plus room to gently stir
- cheese cloth, or a clean tea-towel
- a strainer
- pinch of salt
- a container with a lid, should hold about a cup
Strain off liquid in a towel or cheesecloth lined strainer. Or, if you wish- you can pour into a bowl & squeeze the liquid out like I do- to show the kids how much whey is left. Some people also like to save this liquid for various dietary reasons. Not me...
Rinse VERY GENTLY under cold running water & squeeze out moisture again. Mix in a pinch of salt- even if you are using the cheese for a dessert- this brings out the flavors of the ricotta.
You can now press your cheese in a mold, or just pack it into a lidded container and pop in the fridge. It can be used right away, but we like to makes ours a day ahead, and the cheese has a bit more flavor.
Thank you for this recipe! I can't wait to make my own ricotta cheese
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