I received the items pictured-
An Elmer's tape runner, glue spots, glue pen, and a glue stick. From X-acto I got two pairs of decorative scissors and a nifty corner-rounder.
The adhesive products are what you'd expect from Elmer's, great consistency & easy of use. The "tape" runner is pretty much a glue-tape hybrid of sorts, and so handy & fun to use. I also love the little tape dots- I've never used them before and I have big plans for some 3D-ish holiday cards now!
As for the tools, they were a dream as well, sharp and comfortable on my hands. I do have to admit though...that corner-rounder...way addictive. I have rounded the corners on almost EVERY notepad in the house. (It can do 3-5 pages at a time easy.) It's amazing how much just a simple little shape change can make anything look a million times nicer. Really, I have the coolest shopping lists ever now. I'm thinking some spiffed up notepads would make a nice addition to gifts.
Cons with these products-
The glue stick is a little smellier than other sticks. Not so much that it's bothersome though. The corner-rounder-puncher is tough- but I kinda wish it would punch through ribbon. That'd be awesome. Also I
Just a reminder- I received these products from BzzAgent, but I am NOT told what to say, required to only say good/nice things, or nor do I even HAVE to say anything on my blog at all. I HAVE left a product off my blog I DIDN'T like. =-)
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