Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Weight Loss Wednesday: Arrg.

Soooo... this morning was my first time weighing in since Ol' Aunt Flo paid her visit. I was expecting BAD. I nibbled on a Hershey bar throughout the week, and expected horrible news. I did however stay away from the chips. But- I had to listen to hubby whine about not having any chips. Yeah- I didn't trust my willpower this month, so I didn't even buy any!

The damage was a bit surprising...I gained...but only 1 pound. THANK GOODNESS! I have a feeling it had a lot to do with water consumption though as well... I totally sucked at didn't get enough water this week. Way lazy on my part, couldn't bother getting up & refiling my bottle as often as I should have. BUT- I know this now, so I can plan for it next month & have a crap-ton of bottles filled & ready for me.

My goals for this week:
  • No more not drinking water B.S.
  • Work more movement in...rigorous housecleaning isn't gonna cut it for much longer.
  • Plan ahead. I can see what's messing me up- I need to fix it now.

Real quick before I go...I just wanted to say a quick thanks. I was kinda "arrrg" before because I was so mad at myself for closing up a many-years-old blog that had hundreds of hits daily because of some dumbass person. Now- I am beyond happy for the FOLLOWERS I have now. The comments, love & camaraderie we have now is TONS better than "hits". Both here & Facebook. I appreciate you guys so much! Yep- to the point of being annoyingly CORNY in a weight loss post... <3